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- What is a Modern Aristocrat?
What is a Modern Aristocrat?
Who is worthy?
Modern Aristocrats don’t let society decide their fate
A Modern Aristocrat, in short, is someone who has earned the right to do what they want, when they want.
They work when they feel like working; travel when they feel like traveling; build when they feel like building, and relax when they feel like relaxing.
They are aware that they are the sole drivers of their destiny and they defend that right with every action they take.
They use the present moments to reflect and create the future they want to live.
Not because they have a boss in their ears telling them what to do, but because they have a deep desire to achieve greatness (whatever that means in their eyes), build something meaningful, and provide for themselves and those around them, without any assistance from outside entities.
Modern Aristocrats are not governed by forces such as traditions, cultural norms, societal pressures or even intrusive governments.
They are true sovereign beings who consciously massage their right to carve their own paths in a time where the masses are slowly blending together into puppets.
Modern Aristocrats have no problem going against the grain.
Like the Aristocrats several thousands of years ago, this new generation of Modern Aristocrats live luxuriously in grand housing all over the world. They have helpers working for them around the clock to maintain their current level of success and earn profits while they sleep. They dine in beautiful locations and move fluidly across borders like birds do with the seasons.
Now you might find yourself thinking that this all sounds great on paper, but you don’t have millions in the bank to build a kingdom with.
You don’t have a cult like following that looks up to you like a saint.
You weren’t born into family of wealth and affluence.
You don’t have the freedom to determine your own choices every second of the day.
While you might not have these yet, the Modern Aristocrat lifestyle is not as far off as you might think.
Unlike the previous generations of aristocrats, the new class of aristocrats do not rely solely on family ties or bloodline.
In this new age, there is no caste system designed to keep you suppressed and dependent on those more powerful than you.
And there is no Malthusian nightmare with limited resources to generate productivity.
The beauty of the new age aristocrat is that it is open and achievable to anyone. It begins with a shift in your mindset.
We see modern aristocrats as people who leverage the internet as a tool to earn their financial, geographic, and personal independence. As Naval Ravikant says, “the internet enables 8 billion monopolies.”
There is no shortage of ideas and business models that can be generated through the power of this machine. Times are changing faster than ever before in modern history.
Our typical 9-5 work structure is rapidly dissolving.
Offices are becoming a relic of the past. Borders are becoming more obsolete.
The information age is upon us, and those who choose to ignore it will be left behind to fight over the scraps.
But the people who see this change as an inevitable source of opportunity and position themselves to benefit from this new wave, have a chance to live a better life than any royal family over the past 4000 years.
This is the new generation of Modern Aristocrats, and they are here to create, expand and conquer.
Now is the time to join this new class of independent thinkers and creators of the future.
Join or get left behind.
This newsletter will not automatically make you a Modern Aristocrat.
It is not simple enough to just read the principles of the Modern Aristocrat Way.
You must deeply absorb the lessons, continue to learn about them, invest in yourself, and most importantly - try & fail & try again in the real world.
While a newsletter, book, course, or teacher can facilitate learning, it is up to YOU to put the teachings into practice.
You need to deeply ponder the ideas in this newsletter.
Every line is important and can be broken down into many subparts, ideas, and theories.
If you have any questions we encourage you to reach out to continue a deeper discussion.
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