Moving Past Fear

Moving Past Fear

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.” - Frank Herbert; Dune

Have you ever taken a second to really think about fear?

What it is and why you fear what you do?

Have you ever followed the energy pattern of fear in your chest until it dissolved into a clear understanding?

Or do you let fear paralyze you from taking action and instead find distractions to numb you from what you fear.

You see, most people will say they are afraid of spiders or sharks or whatever.

But the REAL fear, the fear we’re talking about here, is the fear you create yourself by being afraid you won’t be able to live up to what you want most for yourself.

So you choose the comfy route.

What your afraid of, you need to face, conquer, and destroy so you can continue growing into the person you know you can be.

Fear is a path you must traverse in becoming all you can be. Let your fear show you the way.

If your afraid, stop thinking and take action.

Fear will always be present in your life in it’s different manifestations. Fear is simply choosing to focus on what could go wrong. And what you focus on grows.

The more you succumb to fear, the more reasons you’ll have to be afraid.

So instead, constantly fill your mind with what could go right and place your trust in something greater that whatever happens was exactly what was meant to happen.


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