The Power Of Focus

The Lost Sense

“We’ve got to remember that we get whatever we focus on in life. If we keep focusing on what we don’t want, we’ll have more of it." - Tony Robbins

The most difficult part of achieving your goals in business or life is the ability to focus & be in the moment.

Without this ability, you’ll be unable to summon the patience & focus required to build something over the long run - whether that’s a career, business, social life or an intimate relationship.

You'll also miss out on the most rewarding aspect of business (and life) - the joy, excitement, & self-confidence that comes with making progress towards a worthy goal.

When your mind strays from the task at hand & begins to think “down the road” about your end goal, you leave room for doubts.

And when doubts creep in, self-confidence diminishes & your goals starts to seem harder to attain - leaving most people to give up and seek comfort.

The antidote is to sharpen, focus & calm your mind.

Athletes + everyday people workout to improve the way their bodies perform & feel, it's common sense.

Similarly, we all have minds. And the quality of our life is directly tied to the quality of our minds.

But how many of us deliberately "workout" and strengthen our mind?

A fearful & anxious mind leads to a life that bears the fruits of those negative seeds.

Likewise, a calm, joyful, & focused mind allows us to fully embrace + direct our lives.

The easiest way to build the mind, and thus life, you want is with vipassana meditation, also known as mindfulness.

Start w/ 10 minutes daily. Sit silently with your thoughts, let all the chatter in your skull bubble to the surface. Let thoughts arise & pass, breathing deeply the entire time.

At first, your mind is going to beg you to stop and find stimulation.

But over time, you’ll find gaps of calmness to enter and feel truly content to be alive and present.

And here's the secret…

As you advance in your formal practice, you’ll be able to access the same state of calm minded & joyous focus throughout your daily hustle & bustle.

And once you reach this point is when life truly gets fun & all your goals truly become attainable.

So be vigilant, like a craftsman whittling away at wood, direct your stray thoughts back to the moment, "workout" your mind, & make your life your masterpiece!


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