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The War Against Mediocrity
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What happened to our modern society?
Rapidly advancing technologies have been making our lives more comfortable, scripted, and mindless since the innovative boom of the industrial revolution. And to be fair, I would argue that this has created more of a net positive to our overall civilization.
But on the flip side there’s never been a time where a society has been so wealthy AND ill at the same time. More people worldwide now die from obesity than starvation.
In the western world, we have a strange culture of placing work above all else. It’s become the standard to slave away for 5 days straight to earn 2 days of leisure. Do this for 50 weeks out of the year and you earn yourself a 2 week paid vacation!
Then the whole time you’re on vacation, your thoughts take you back to the office drama. You wonder if the deals in your pipeline are going to fall through in the 2 weeks away from the office.
Then once your vacation ends and you get back to your normal life, it all comes raining back down…
Your alarm goes off 3 times before you actually wake up. You immediately check your phone to distract you from your internal thoughts.
You make your coffee - the only thing that brings you joy on your commute to the office, where you’ll spend the next 8 hours in a dimly lit fluorescent room full of people you would never interact with outside of work.
Once your day is over, you get to commute back home, argue with your family, and then sit down in front of the TV trying to drown out your pity with manufactured sugar coated food and poisonous beverages.
And after a 40 year career of this, you might have just enough money leftover to pay for your weekly groceries. But if you’re like most people, you’ll just collect a handout from the government since you were lied to all your life about chasing a steady career that got you nowhere.
When did this become the norm? Why are the majority of people ok with this?
If that life sounds like what your going after, then save yourself the time and close down this course right now and open up Netflix, because you’re in for a rude awakening.
However, if you’re like the millions of people that would consider offing themselves if that was their reality, then you’ve come to the right place.
The sad part is that the majority of people go through these motions everyday, living a life of bitter desperation. Never trying to make a change, and accepting the path that’s forced on them at face value.
So to counter this, they numb themselves with the newest fads (pharmaceuticals, booze, TV, shitty food, etc.)
How did this happen?
It’s not the peoples’ fault (completely). Our society has been slowly evolving down this path for centuries. It was not intentionally designed this way by man.
The dynamics of technological development, open market commerce, global politics, and manufactured cultural norms have stewed together for many years, bringing us to an interesting cross-section in history.
We live in a time where most of our earthly desires can be satisfied within a 48 hour delivery. We can instantly communicate with anyone, anywhere in the world in real time.
Our medicine becomes exponentially more effective every year. “Food” is more abundant now than it was in the Garden of Eden.
We can transport our bodies across the entire planet in one day, sitting in a chair in the clouds while drinking wine. Our ancestors had a word for beings with this ability: Gods.
But even with the help our modern day luxuries, the majority of people are still feeling empty, depressed, sick, and hopeless.
Like our humanity has been stripped away from us.
A Brief History Of Our Modern Education System
As children and young adults, we are generally guided down certain funnels that are designed to mold us into a specific shape, to do a specific task, for a specific type of corporation.

How many young, enthusiastic children have you heard say that they want to grow up to be a doctor or lawyer?
Those children were once creative souls that saw the world through curious eyes, creating reality as they imagined it in their fruitful minds.
But somewhere along the way, an adult that lacked creativity and the ability to formulate their own thoughts, poisoned the young child’s mind with an idea of what they thought success was.
And since children are so easily moldable, they oftentimes run with this future identity that was programmed into them at a young age.
Its only after they spend 8 years in higher education and 3 years on the job that they realize they hate their careers.
This is where the downward spiral begins.
This situation should not sound unfamiliar to you. In fact our modern day institutional education system was developed to encourage this type of production.
To be clear - our current education system is NOT broken. It’s actually very good at what its designed to do.
Which is essentially using education as a mask to indoctrinate the masses to align with the states’ goals.
Think about the different components of our modern education system:
State funding
Specialized buildings
Specific teaching certifications
Standardized curriculum
Mandated attendance
The goal was and still is to train the up and coming generations to be loyal, literate, well behaved worker bees.
And as a result, the system has gotten extremely proficient at molding the masses to fit into perfectly square boxes that do highly specialized tasks with minimum mental expenditure.

And this is one of the biggest contributors to our unhealthy society. Children are funneled down predetermined destinies that society deemed “successful” 50 years ago.
They’re slowly scrubbed of their individual spark of creativity, leaving them with no real purpose or meaningful dreams.
This explains why most people lack authenticity. Its programmed out of us intentionally. We’re told what we should do, how we should act, what we should want, what a good life is - you name it.
To the point where very little of what we think are even our own ideas.
So many people dress, think, and act the same.
While at the same time, people are more alone than ever.
Less family time. Less communal gatherings. Less public interaction.
This system of modern slavery is why so many people are unhappy. Why so many people turn to the comfort and instant gratification of cheap dopamine.
Why so many people willingly allow government officials and mainstream media to propagate them with negative, energy draining mental poison that will never actually affect them.
Why so many people go to doctors appointments to get diagnosed, prescribed, and addicted to pharmaceuticals within a 30 minute timeframe.
Why the majority of people trust authority figures that don’t care about them and become skeptical of anyone who thinks outside of the collective mind.
This is our current situation…
But the great news is that so many people are starting to see through the facade.
They’re realizing that the methods we used over the past century to get us to where we are, will not work to get us where we want to go.
The War Against Mediocrity
The technological tide is shifting in favor of the individual.
We’ve unlocked new levels of what’s possible in the information age. And the pace of development is compounding everyday.
New financial tools give the average joe the same insights as Wall Street investors that are boots on the ground.
Decentralized currencies are allowing people worldwide to hedge their wealth against their local financial systems.
Online education has broadened the possibilities of learning to the most remote regions of the globe.
16 year olds are building million dollar side hustles out of their parents’ basements.
Automations and AI will soon help create the first billion dollar, single person enterprise.
The world is not the same as it was 10 years ago, let alone 50 years ago. Any law that was written before the internet will need to be re-evaluated.
The 80 year olds running the country can’t even fathom the technological forces that are unfolding; let alone attempt to govern them.
This is why we’re waging ideological warfare against the orthodox systems of mediocrity that have been forced down our throats.
We’re glad you’ve joined us for the ride.